me the story of a little dead girl who lived

Friday, September 21, 2007

Blah on News Media

Today as I was driving I turned to 1070 AM radio to check on a traffic report to avoid any trouble spots that I may encounter on the way to work. In between traffic reports was an interview with a representative for Simplicity cribs which was explaining the faulty design of these potentially fatal cribs which they make. He was their to help on instructing parents not to buy these cribs and return if they did, and if they didn't want to return he had helpful advice on how to avoid potential hazards. The interviewer of course went on and questioned the rep on where the products were made (like this was an issue), but it was just to lead the rep into stating that it was made in China, to try to make a point out that China was making yet again another faulty product. He went on to say, "that is another thing we can add to the troubles we are having from Chinese manufacturers...," the rep. of course emphasized that where they are made is not the problem of the design and that it was the designers faulty "design" and not "manufacturing" that was the issue at hand, and that Simplicity will try harder to make better less hazardous products.

Many know that 1070 is a right-winged radio station that enjoys pointing fingers at everyone else, except for the great country in which they live. But the nerve of them to try to just point out one's fault just to manipulate or sway an audience into thinking the Chinese are at fault for everything negative in this world or at least with faulty mechanics. Yes, they do manufacture most of the worlds products and take away many jobs, which are remedial and really not sought out by people in first world nations, but it is not something in question. Ugh, let them have their jobs just try to view our policies with safety better, with our own manufacturers' as well. It is not just others which can be at fault with many products we can design crap at times too.